Hot Food for the Needy

Alleviating food poverty
in our local community

Someone asked the Prophet PBUH:

What deed of a Muslim is the best? The Prophet PBUH replied: Giving food to and greeting people who you know and whom you do not know.

[Hadith: Bukhari]

According to the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Households Below Average Income survey, in 2021/22, 4.7 million people (7%) in the UK were in food insecure households. Among the 11.0 million people found to be in relative poverty, 15% were in food insecure households, including 21% of children.


National statistics show that food poverty is on the rise in the UK. To assist families, Qadria Trust has set up this project since 2020 to provide hot meals to the most needy families.To assist families, Qadria Trust has set up this project since 2020 to provide hot meals to the most needy families. Our hot meals are cooked in-house every Sunday from 4pm-6pm. Over the years, the hot meals have been distributed locally directly to people in need and also donated to Homeless One’s Digbeth centre (Birmingham City Centre).

Join us at Qadria Trust on Sunday’s from 4pm-6pm


Help provide hot meals and food packs
for the most needy people.

Your Donation Basket
