
“And We have created you in pairs"

[Qur’an - 78:8]



A Nikah is a great blessing and a great act of worship. Nikah is defined in Sharia law as a contract between husband and wife in accordance with the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Having a relationship outside the bond of Nikah is totally prohibited in Islam and is classed as a major sin.

Qadria Trust conducts Nikah services to the Muslim Barnet Community. Our Nikah service is there to help those who wish to be in an Islamic lawful and Halal relationship.

And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.

[Quran 30:21]

Qadria Trust is able to provide an Imam to perform the Nikah (Islamic marriage solemnization) ceremony. The significance of the ceremony to the bride, groom and their families is fully appreciated. The Imam takes time to meet with them to agree on the format of the Nikah and ensure that it is carried out correctly and in line with their expectations. The Imam can perform the ceremony in English or Urdu or a combination of both. By the Grace of Allah Almighty the Imam of Qadria Trust has the honour of performing dozens of Nikkah ceremonies to date.


According to Islam, both man and woman have rights over each other when they enter into a contract with the man serving as protector and supporter of the family from his means. Ensure you are ready for your Nikah and fully aware of the consequences and responsibilities of Nikah. Thus we encourage you to read up on this topic and make yourself aware of your responsibilities.


Khula and Divorce Services

Occasionally, where marriages do not work out for couples, Khula or Divorce are the only options remaining in order to remedy the breakdown in marriage.

At Qadria Trust we are able to provide both Khula and Divorce services as requested by couples.







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