
Following in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Essentially, hadith refers to the sayings, actions, and personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. According to Islamic theology and law, hadith is the second most important source after the Qur’an. Muslim scholars and transmitters of Hadith compile collections called “mussannaf” that contain Hadith. Each collection includes information about the chain of transmission (isnad) as well as the content of the Hadith.


Hadith literature covers a wide range of topics, including religious obligations and practices, legal issues, moral conduct, and the conduct of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In addition, hadith provide examples of the Prophet’s teachings and actions, providing Muslims with a model to follow as they supplement and explain verses in the Qur’an.

Hadith’s authenticity and reliability are crucial, and Islamic scholars have developed a methodology for evaluating their authenticity based on the chain of transmission (isnad) and narrators’ reputations. Hadiths that meet the standards of authenticity are considered to be “sahih” (authentic) and are considered to be reliable sources of guidance for Muslims.

There are many books of Hadith. Some of these include; Sahih Al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih An-Nisa’i, Sunan Abi’ Dawud, Jami At’Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Riyad As’Saliheen, Mishkaat al-Masabih An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith, Muwatta Malik, Masnad Ahmad and Ash-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyah. 

The Prophet PBUH said:

"Whoever builds a Masjid for (the sake of) Allah, be it small or large, then Allah will build a house for him in Paradise."

[Hadith: Tirmidhi]

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